cd+zine 「AD ANIMARUM ALTISSIMA」3300円(税込み)
ルーペを片手に精神の未知の領域を旅するほどに細かく描かれた石川高の絵画作品と、aurora argenteaの「STAY FOREVER in this DREAM」 と 「creatio continua」を再編集・リマスタリングした特別versionが収録されたCDの組合せです。インクと透明水彩による極小手描絵画の付録も入っています!(CD収納袋内に秘密のオマケ入り)
A CD (same contents as "PHANTASMAGORIUM") containing a special version of aurora argentea's “STAY FOREVER in this DREAM” and “creatio continua” re-edited and re-mastered, combined with Ko Ishikawa's paintings, which are so detailed that we travel through the unknown spiritual realms with a loupe in hand. A small hand-painted drawing in ink and transparent watercolor is also included ! (secret bonus inside the CD storage bag).
Let's open the inner door of your heart and soar to the heights together.
"Experiencing Nami's music is like being blessed with a protective spell. Her transcendent voice, described by Haruomi Hosono as “shamanistic”, is beautifully complemented by the use of analog synthesizers and sacred Japanese instruments, like the sho, a traditional Japanese mouth organ played by her husband, Ko Ishikawa, who is a world-renowned sho player. Together, these sounds invite you into a realm with profound healing properties."-Laurie Piña
cd+zine 「AD ANIMARUM ALTISSIMA」3300円(税込み)
12"LP「Ultra-Hyper Cosmic Voice」に収録されたトラックの原曲や別アレンジバージョンを含む、宝達奈巳の未発表曲の数々を aurora argentea が編集・再制作したアルバム。奇跡的にDATから復元された当時のアナログシンセ独特の低音と存在感に、純粋で繊細な輝きが煌めく宝達奈巳の世界観の原点がここに。
「Gemstones」/ Nami Hotatsu のCDと、石川高による描画を元に宝達奈巳がアートワークを手掛けたブックレットのセットです。CD収納袋には特別な「NAMI」刻印をひとつずつスタンプしてあります。これは私が中学生の時に美術の授業で作った篆刻(てんこく:石でできたハンコ)で、NAMIのローマ字デザインに小さな猫の顔のアイコンがアクセントになっています。これにより護符の役割も果たします。
This is an album edited and reworked by aurora argentea in 2024 from a number of unreleased tracks originally composed and recorded and mixed by Nami Hotatsu in 1993~1998. Including the original and different arranged versions of tracks from her 12” LP ‘Ultra-Hyper Cosmic Voice’. Miraculously restored from DAT, this is the origin of Nami Hotatsu's worldview, with the unique bass and presence of the analog synths of the 90s and the pure, delicate brilliance that shines through.
The special set includes the “Gemstones” CD (Compac Disk) and a booklet with artwork by Nami Hotatsu based on drawings by Ko Ishikawa.
The CD storage bag is individually stamped with a special “NAMI” engraving. This is a seal engraving (tenkoku: a stamp made of stone) that I made in art class when I was in junior high school. The NAMI Roman alphabet design is accented with a small cat face icon. This engraving also serves as a talisman.
Ultra-Hyper Ritual MIX~超越的儀式楽曲集
8月28日に放送されたRare Charm/Particle FMでのゲストMIXをCDにしてほしいというリクエストにお応えし、全18曲の出典カタログを含むブックレットとCDのセット「Ultra-Hyper Ritual MIX CD-Booklet/超越的儀式楽曲集」が完成しました。
約64分のCDの内容は、宝達奈巳とaurora argentea(LET THERE BE LIGHT時代の作品も含む)の未発表曲を含む全作品から、日本古来の儀式をお手本に「祓い清め 祈祷 神楽 鎮め癒し」の流れに沿い、宝達奈巳自身が選曲・リミックス・リエディットした、宝達奈巳初心者から上級者までお楽しみいただける特別仕様となっています。
In response to requests for a CD of guest mix at Rare Charm/Particle FM, we have completed the “Ultra-Hyper Ritual MIX CD-Booklet/超越的儀式楽曲集,” a set of a CD and a booklet containing a catalog of all 18 tracks.
The artwork is based on drawings by Ko Ishikawa, but three slightly different cover designs are available, and the CD storage bag is individually stamped with a “NAMI” protective seal engraving (tenkoku: a stamp made of stone) with a cat mark that I made in junior high school. Also, the sealed part of the package is hand-painted by Ko Ishikawa, one by one, using TURNER Japanesque colors.
The contents of this 64-minute CD are from all songs and tracks of Nami Hotatsu and aurora argentea's (including works from the LET THERE BE LIGHT era) containing unreleased songs, selected, remixed and re-edited by Nami Hotatsu herself in the flow of “cleanse and purify, prayer, kagura(dance offering), calming and healing” using ancient Japanese rituals as a model. This is a special set that can be enjoyed by both beginners and experts of Nami Hotatsu.
"The blend of traditional instruments with contemporary hardware has the power to anchor you in the past while propelling you into the future. As you listen to Nami’s music you can feel the past and present swirl and collide, and ultimately awaken hopes for what lies ahead. In this way, Nami’s work—both as a solo artist, and in collaboration with Ko Ishikawa in their project Aurora argentea—feels simultaneously timeless and ahead of its time." -Laurie Piña
Ultra-Hyper Ritual MIX CD-Booklet
ウルトラハイパーリチュアルミックス ~超越的儀式楽曲集 / 宝達奈巳
Particle FM / Rare Charm にて、宝達奈巳自ら制作したゲストミックス「Ultra-Hyper Ritual MIX」が放送
Interviewed on the radio show of KPISS.FM !
ネットラジオ KPISS.FM にインタビュー出演!
こちらのアーカイブ↓にてお楽しみください!Please enjoy it in these archives.
全内容日本語訳はこちら↓ English&Japanese translation of the entire interview
Creatio Continua CD-ZINE
verba mystica が CD-ZINEとなって今蘇る!
aurora argentea の最新作「Creatio Continua」のCDに、美術家・木村俊幸がアートデザイン&装丁を施したコラボ作品です。笙とアナログシンセを操る石川高によるミラクルなSound&Music、ウルトラハイパートランスミッター宝達奈巳によるオラクルなVoice&Lyrics、現代アートとVFX界で暗躍する木村俊幸によるマジカルなアートの三位一体型CD-ZINE!
"verba mystica" revives as CD-ZINE ! This is a collaborative work by aurora argentea's latest CD "Creatio Continua" and art design and binding by Toshiyuki Kimura. This CD-ZINE is a trinity of miraculous sound & music by Ko Ishikawa, who manipulates sho and analog synths, oracle voice and lyrics by Nami Hotatsu, an ultra-hyper-transmitter, and magical art by Toshiyuki Kimura, who is active in the contemporary art and VFX worlds. Just like that there is no same leaf or stone in nature, this CD-ZINE is handmade, so the number of pages is the same, but the art content of each book is different from one by one. You will have the only one CD-ZINE in the world!
Click here to purchase