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​Ultra-Hyper Cosmic Voice : HOTATSU-NAMI

1994年グリーンエナジーレコードからCDリリースされ、細野晴臣氏が「シャーマンの声音」と称えた2ndアルバム「宝達奈巳」が、アメリカのレーベル @forestjams  からLPレコードとなって全世界へ!今回のレコード化にあたり音源もリマスタリングされ、@morira  さんによりジャケットも一新。30年の時を経ても色褪せず、むしろ斬新な宝達奈巳の世界が炸裂するオリエンタル・アンビエント・テクノ名盤!

"Equal parts beguiling and inviting, Nami’s mixture of vocals and driving propulsive beats still sound as fresh and as captivating as when they were originally released in 1994. Now, thirty years later, we invite you to discover Nami’s “perfect world of being” in its totality – awakening yourself to the unknown world inside through what lauded producer Haruomi Hosono hailed as a “shamanistic” vision!” -Hsu Jui Ting

"It's a sonic blend that brings together the best of 90’s alternative, dance, and chill-out: crisp drums, warm bass, hypnotic vocals, and bright psychedelia. This album is a timeless piece of nostalgia and a true unsung gem of an era."- Diskjøkëy Valerian

"I was immediately struck by the power of her voice and the shimmering, propulsive synthesizers." -Laurie Piña

​12" LP レコード FJLP02  4200円(税込み)送料別途
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